ˈfōtō ˈfôrtˌnīt frīdē

July 16, 2016

One from the archives and a real camera this time!

In September [( 6 )] will go to Oxford! I have started to look through my archives for previous photographs of Oxford, as I start to think about what I will concentrate on this time around.

Here’s one..


Please click on this link to find out more about our Oxford project and to get involved!
  [( 6 )] go to Oxford

ˈfōtō ˈfôrtˌnīt frīdē

June 17, 2016

Oh dear! It is sooooo convenient to carry an iPhone instead of my camera. In the Meatpacking District.


ˈfōtō ˈfôrtˌnīt frīdē

May 06, 2016

Finally traded my dumb phone for a smart one and it had to be done just once- a cell phone photo with a filter! Probably won’t happen again!
